
The Contribution made by Beer to the European Economy, edition 2013 (ENG)

Publicatienummer: 2400
Publicatiedatum: december 2013

This study was commissioned by The Brewers of Europe and aimed to quantify the economic impact of the brewing sector in the 28 Member States of the European Union (EU). We have also quantified the economic impact for the brewing sector in three other European countries Norway, Switzerland and Turkey. The results regarding these three countries are not included in the data presented in the EU report as it describes the aggregated economic impact of the brewing sector in the EU only.

The current study is the fifth edition of the economic impact research undertaken by Regioplan and EY. The first report was published in January 2006 (covering the 2005 impact).

More information?
Click here for a short video on the main results of our study. You can download the EU report here.
In the report we also refer to another Regioplan report focusing on cross-border beer shopping in the Netherlands. You can download an English translation of the executive summary of this study here.